New Years Eve naturally comes with a little magic, so why not make it EXTRA special? If you are wanting to propose as you ring in the new year, here are a couple pointers as you put your own ring on it.
1. Have a good plan for the evening
Most couples make plans in advance for NYE and you should too! Whether you want to just have a romantic evening at home or attend a big party - make sure you know what you are in for so you can plan accordingly. It may not seem like you need to plan a lot for a night in, but having a good idea of what you're going to say, how you'd like to present the ring, what time in the night you'd like to ask - are all things you can think about beforehand!
2. Have the perfect spot picked out
Having the perfect location set is such a game changer! This will give you a good idea of where to navigate your love when it is time to pop the question. If you're at a big party, tell your partner in crime to meet you there at midnight to make sure you get to ring in the new year with a kiss! Its the best cover up and helps you both plan in advance.
3. Get a friend or multiple friends involved
Having a little help for your big moment is a nice idea, just make sure you can trust whoever you tell with a secret! A friend can help make sure your soon-to-be fiance is in the right place at the right time or put someone in charge of capturing the moment. You can even have another friend ready with a confetti gun to make the photo extra special! Most people are just excited to be a part of the big day, so you may as well put them to work!
Proposal Planning and Design by The Yes Girls and Photography by Andrew Simoneaux Photography.